Pre-Elite Performance Training is focused on providing a systematic & personalized training program, locally or at-a-distance, to ambitious female athletes, age 18-25, who strive to reach their goals to row at the next level.
Many hard-working athletes know they have what it takes to succeed, but haven't yet found the right path or system that will allow them to achieve to the fullest potential. Whether you are a college student looking to supplement your team training during the school year or summer, or you are a young adult athlete looking to be accepted into an Elite club program or a National Team Camp, our proven training system uses a measured approach, based on your individual physiology, physique, and training history, to help you improve.
The training of the Pre-Elite athlete, looking to bridge the gap to the Elite level, is specific & unique from that of the Elite athlete. Furthermore, the training prescription to female athletes should differ from that of male athletes. With a Pre-Elite Performance Training you will learn about these subtle, but very important differences, and about how you can best execute your training.
Local athletes will train with a focus on small boat sculling.
Athletes planning to train at-a-distance will benefit from a 1-week introductory camp in Dallas, for program indoctrination, and performance testing to set training parameters.
Training is planned according to your long-term goals.